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Tenure-track Faculty Position in Earth Sciences (IES, AS)
Academia Sinica (AS) is the premier, state-funded research organization in Taiwan. The Institute of Earth Sciences (IES), one of the 32 institutes of Academia Sinica, has strong and active research programs in solid Earth geophysics and geochemistry with state-of-the-art analytical and computational facilities. The institute operates several field observation networks in Taiwan and other parts of Asia. Current research at IES includes observational and computational seismology, active tectonics and geohazards, isotope geochemistry and cosmochemistry, orogenic processes and crustal evolution, and geodynamics and physical properties of deep Earth. We invite outstanding candidates who will strengthen and complement the above research fields to apply for the tenure-track faculty position at the assistant research fellow (equivalent to assistant professor) level or above. Applicants who use innovative quantitative methods based on big-data sciences (e.g. artificial intelligence) are particularly welcome. Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree and an excellent record of independent research, and please send his/her curriculum vitae including a full list of publications, three or more names of references (with contact information), and a research plan to Review of the applications will begin on December 31, 2023, and continue until the position is filled. For more information about IES, please visit
