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一、本系公開延聘系主任人選,起聘日期:2019 年 8 月 1 日起,歡迎推 薦參選或自行申請參選。
  1. 地球科學相關領域,且於 2019 年 7 月 31 日仍未滿 62 足歲。

  2. 教授以上資格、或本系任滿三年以上教職之專任副教授。

  3. 如非本校教師,則須先獲本系教評會認可始為候選人,獲選為系主任後,仍須經本校三級教評會同意聘為本系專任教授方可生效。

  4. 具備崇高之學術聲望、行政領導能力及前瞻視野。


  1. 個人資料(包括候選人學經歷、履歷自述、著作目錄、推薦函 3 封)。

  2. 教育部教授證書影本(國外大學教授請提相關資料)。

  3. 治系理念。

四、截止收件日為 2019 年 3 月 22 日(郵戳為憑,或以電子郵件於截止日 前寄達)。


70101 台南市大學路一號 國立成功大學地球科學系 系主任推選作業小組 電話:(06)2757575 ext. 65400傳真:(06)2740285

Department Head Opening in Earth Science at National Cheng-Kung University

National Cheng-Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan (ROC) invites applications and nominations for the position of Head of Earth Science Department staring at 1 August 2019.

Candidates should meet the following required qualifications

  1. Associated with Earth Science related research and should be less than 62 years old on 31 July 2019.

  2. Qualification for tenure at the rank of Professor.

  3. Recognition as a candidate by the Faculty Evaluation Committee of the Department. Noted that, it is required that the elected personnel should go through the three-level (Department, College and University) faculty evaluation processes and becomes the NCKU faculty member after being elected.

  4. With a record of superior scholarship and academic leadership.

  5. Ability to demonstrate intellectual leadership, visions and management to further promote the Department.

Submit following required application materials before 22 March 2019 by post or e-mail:

  1. Curriculum Vita.

  2. Three recommendation letters.

  3. Professorship certificate from Ministry of Education (domestic applicants) or equivalent documents (abroad applicants).

  4. A statement summarizing visions for leading the Department.

Inquiries about the position should be directed to:

Searching Committee for the Department Head, Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng-Kung University, 1 University Road, Tainan 70101, Taiwan

Tel: +886-6-2757575 ext 65400
Facsimile: +886-6-2740285
